What is a BIA and how does it work?

A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a geographical area that is established through municipal By-law and is governed under The Municipal Act of Ontario. With support from the municipality, a BIA coordinates the organization, physical improvement and supports the economic development of the business area. BIAs are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, composed of businesses, property owners, persons voted in by rate-paying members and at least one member of municipal Council. The Board is elected every four years in conjunction with Municipal elections. The Board represents the BIA membership and advocates on their behalf. The BIA holds an Annual General Meeting, at which point annual budgets are approved by the membership and other items of interest are presented.

Chair: Vacant

Vice Chair: Peggy A

Erika M

Cathi B

Kathy S

Cathy D

Aileen J

Lesley M


Julie D coordinator@elora.info



What is the Mandate?

We are an independent non-profit organization, financed by a levy on each property owner in the Elora BIA boundary. Although we work independently from the Township of Centre Wellington, the BIA has a very close relationship with the Township and we partner on many projects. For example the light post banners.

The prime mandate of the Elora Business Improvement Area (BIA) is to promote and beautify the core area of Elora. For more information about how this mandate is put into action by our committees, come to a meeting.

Here are some examples of the other things the BIA does for its members:

  • Leads promotional and marketing initiatives to encourage visitors to the core, to stimulate economic growth and contribute to a vibrant and healthy community

  • Coordinates and completes beautification projects to contribute to a well-maintained and physically attractive area (read more about Beautification on the Board & Committees page)

  • Provides an open forum for concerns and issues facing the membership, which we do our absolute best to address efficiently and effectively

  • Acts as a conduit for communication with the Municipality regarding parking, village policies, construction, economic development, and other township governed areas of concern

  • Host a special events and support festivals to bring guests into the Elora BIA Area and encourage exploring businesses while visiting

  • Provides subsidized Chamber Membership and knowledge of advertising rates with local media.

Are You a Member?

Members of a BIA consist of persons who are assessed, on the last returned assessment roll, with respect to rateable property in the area that is in a prescribed business property class and tenants of each property. If you’re unsure if your business is within the BIA boundary, refer to the BIA Boundary Map.


What is a BIA and how does it work?

A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a geographical area that is established through municipal By-law and is governed under The Municipal Act of Ontario. With support from the municipality, a BIA coordinates the organization, physical improvement and supports the economic development of the business area. BIAs are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, composed of businesses, property owners, persons voted in by rate-paying members and at least one member of municipal Council. The Board is elected every four years in conjunction with Municipal elections. The Board represents the BIA membership and advocates on their behalf. The BIA holds an Annual General Meeting, at which point annual budgets are approved by the membership and other items of interest are presented.